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My Rejections
Unsolicited Advice for Agents, Celebrity Exes and Fellow Upcoming Writers
Unsolicited Advice for Literary Agents: Reply to submissions, even if it's to say no. How much time does it really take to send a form...
My Rejections
5 Lessons That Helped Me Get Published
So, eventually, I found a publisher for my book, after a spot of rewriting and some lessons which I share here free of charge: Lesson...
My Rejections
8. Unsatisfactory Products
It wasn't quite libel: my celebrity ex hadn't exactly made stuff up about me, despite a fair amount of spicing and omission. What he had...
My Rejections
7. The Skanks
I got some rejections. Which was bound to happen and put me in perfectly good company. Plus it was still early days: Marlon James's first...
My Rejections
6. An Aloof & Reclusive Author
I printed out my submission packages for agents 4,5 and 6, old-timers who wanted hard copies (cover letter, synopsis, first chapters). I...
My Rejections
5. Tear-Jerking Love Stories
The 'churning female degradation' bugged me but I had other agents to be fantasising about, with my so many irons in the fire. There were...
My Rejections
4: Churning Female Degradation
I braced myself to get a hundred rejections. I didn't really but that's what I told myself I was doing. I'd read a blog about it. I...
My Rejections
3: Vain Fusspots
My novel was finally done and ready to submit to a choice selection of literary agents. Well it was kind of done. I'd been working on it...
My Rejections
One day my regular newsletter from the big agency whose debut novel competition I'd failed to win brought me exciting news. They'd be...
My Rejections
1: Idle and Unprofitable Speculation
Sometimes, during the many lonely years it took to write my novel TWICE, I'd consult the online Tarot to discover how my book would get...
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